Thursday 30 October 2008

Terrorist First Jab -- anyone?

My absentee ballot arrived today after much Skype spending and ambushing the Clark County Election Department. A number on the ballot that might spark some interest:

Question No. 5 advisory only: Do you support the imposition of an additional hotel and motel room tax not more than 3 percent to be used in the first 2 years after imposition to avoid large cuts in the funding of education and other state programs and to be used thereafter to increase the funding of K-12 Education, specifically to improve student achievement and for salaries of non-administrative educational personnel?

Yes, of course. Especially for a rapid growing city like Vegas, a city in ominous need for more educational resources. On the contrary, I thought of a time Jeppe and I debated about an involuntary recycling fee I was charged in Copenhagen when I bought a bottle of water. I wanted the option to choose whether or not I wanted to pay this recycling fee. The overall advantages of recycling are obvious, and justifying recycling is not the point here as it should be evident where I stand and what I would inevitably do. At the time I just wished it was a hidden fee, an amount that was merely added on the "tax" line. I didn't want to see all the different fees I didn't ask to pay. Perhaps I was being a righteous and stubborn American who wanted a choice. Or maybe I was just being righteous and stubborn. :)

I realize, though, that if I were to travel somewhere in heavily taxed Europe, say, Dusseldorf and was taxed for German welfare (when two of my own countries I call home have their own share of problems), I probably would expel another "choice" uprising. On the same token, I believe it's a fair fee -- but it would be fairer if I/we were granted the same opportunities. When in Rome, do as the Romans do though. Anyway, I'm sure a German wouldn't mind paying a maximum 3% tax on their room at the Wynn.

The more I'm here the more I'm beginning to see the opposite of ex-nay on the ax-tay. So, I voted yes. I also voted for something that oddly looked like just another name on a paper.

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