Saturday 25 October 2008

I wanna be like Julia

Anyone who's known me for a while knows that I am not known for my cooking. Except for my acclaimed fried rice, says my mom, I am typically the only fan of my cuisine.

But everyone knows it's expensive to eat out in London especially for someone like me in the USD and as someone like me who's used to getting a big, nice, and quick meal in Vegas at places like Whole Foods, Samurai Sam's, Claim Jumpers, Red Rock Casino, and PF Chang's. Even some grocery store sushi is doable -- Albertson's I miss you.

These cuismatic forces are encouraging me to improve my Julia Child skills. Embarrassing to admit but Jeppe is superior to cookery. Don't know if it's my lack of measurement abilities (as Americans are raised on measurement units not used by anyone else) or impatience, but there is hope for my domestication. These days I'm starting to actually fancy cooking.

I bought 3 recipe books yesterday before we watched Saw V and tonight I made dinner and dessert which weren't as bad as the movie. Upon discovering a white fish we've never tried in the States or Denmark, I made Basa with Peppers as seen with a smile above. As for dessert, I made Strawberry Tart and without bias I swear it was scrumptialicious. My mom will be so proud. :)

And, I received my National Insurance Number in the mail today. I'm officially in the tax books in the UK. Which means I'll be taxed 22% based on my current part-time income (I paid no income tax in Nevada). Beats the 40% if I made any more than that! Euros and their taxes. But hey, Barack the Vote, I'm all for taxes now! Tax my tart.


  1. Yeah i like it! The second time i checked your blog page, i said that's Jeppe! hmmmm looks like he lost weight already, better feed him!!!! :-)

  2. who is that skinny boy? 60 kilos AGAIN?! soup-ta-nuts! gee golly! im gonna sneak some rib eyes through customs to feed that boy! JUST KIDDING JEPPE! you look great ;-)
