Monday 6 April 2009

Viva Las Vegas

It's been a long time since I've written on here. I apologise to those of you following my travels and crude observations, especially family and friends in America where international costs and time difference make simple phone calls and texts impractical.

I have no real purpose for this post but to say hi and I'm alive and I'm actually visiting home - Vegas - at the moment.

In respect to the actual purpose of my blog, part of my absence is due to the realisation that the constant disappointment I was experiencing in London and the cathartic splurge on this page was becoming unhealthy and only contributed more to my solemn attitude. Since my last post, many things have changed - I have a more positive outlook with London, or I've tried at the least. February weather the exception.

Now I am home for a visit of 2/3 weeks and can say for the first time that I don't really miss London and the rest of the 'continent', as a Brit once phrased Europe.

It is April. The sun is out. It's convertible/t-shirt weather. People you don't know actually talk to you in a neighborly manner (took me a good few days to get used to again!). People have manners. There's a thing called Customer Service. Everything is cheaper. You get quality and more for your money. I actually leave the gym challenged and recharged. People actually smile and talk at the gym. Food is better. So is TV and the cinema. Speaking of which, movie theatres are maintained. Mass grocery shopping doesn't take a toll on the body. I don't climb 6 flights of stairs to get to my living room. I can ride my bike outside and cross the street without fearing my life. Parking and valet is free. Public restrooms are clean. Wait, most public anything is clean. I don't have to touch a toilet flush. Anywhere. There's selection. Everywhere. Did I mention that people are really friendly? Retail and business employees actually know how to help when you have a question. I got a massage for $40. I also got a massage for $15. It took almost 10 calls to Virgin Atlantic to get my flight changed and find someone who knew what they were doing in the UK company whereas I've made multiple phone inquiries here resulting in complete efficiency and competence. Things work. Starbucks baristas get your order the first time. Target and Walmart, enough said. People are losing their jobs but they smile and say it will get better. Gas went down and Obama is our freakin President.

I return to London in about a week and look forward to the European city hops planned for the coming months. Although I'm experiencing Americana-rama at the moment, I pledge from this point forward to attempt a more virtuous observation of Eurodon upon return and shall reclaim my role as a blogster.

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